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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Britney Spears Unveils Single Artwork, Release Date for 'Hold It Against Me'

SQUEEEEE!!! Looks like we have an OFFICIAL premiere date now for the new Britney Spears single! Shortly after an early demo of new single, "Hold It Against Me" leaked this afternoon Britney Tweeted her 6 million + fans the following:

Not only did Brit Brit unveil the official single artwork (STUNNING) but we have an OFFICIAL date! Tuesday, January 11th! 1-11-11! AMAZING. I cannot wait.  While the demo (featuring singer/songwriter Bonnie McKee on vocals) is decent, Britney's version promises to be bigger and better. According to McKee on her Twitter:
@BonnieMcKee: Well if you haven't heard, the demo of me singing the new Brit song leaked! New version is waay crazier and yes, it has a bridge foolios!!
Getting more excited now. Really jealous of people like Ryan Seacrest who have heard the song already but I guess it won't be too much longer now. Seacrest was treated to a private listening party with Spears' managers Larry Rudolph and Adam Leber, who played the single + one new song (and reportedly, future single) called "III Wanna Go." The two gents also spilled some preliminary details on Spears' new video for "Hold It Against Me," which shoots in two weeks. {SOURCE}

While 1-11-11 used to excite me for another reason (Sky Ferreira) I now have another reason to live until Tuesday. GODNEY!

Check out Britney Spears on the web: