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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

manitoulin island bridge

manitoulin island bridge. on Manitoulin Island with
  • on Manitoulin Island with

  • macsaregoodmkay
    Apr 27, 06:04 PM
    We need finer control over location. All we get to decide is yes or no. We should be able to decide what an app is going to do with the info.

    Example: I'd like my maps app to use my location ONLY to tell me where i am. NOT share my location.

    These broad agreement terms are the reason i have never installed an application on facebook. the terms are like "allow this application to access all your files, post to your friends walls, share your info, access your friends' info, etc. By clicking agree, you are allowing it to become your new spam bot.

    In this new era, clicking agree should not be legally binding. Every time I want to update safari or itunes or install any new program I need to read 120 pages of legal speak? I'd have to hire a lawyer full time for years to get thru it all. I challenge anyone to read and understand every agreement in every app on your computer. For all we know there is a clause in there that says they own your firstborn. This is not directed at apple, this applies to all companies and developers.

    manitoulin island bridge. onto Manitoulin Island.
  • onto Manitoulin Island.

  • Euforia
    Apr 19, 06:03 AM
    What's On Air. Tune up with your favorite music.

    Are you a music addict? Can't wait for your favorite song or band to appear on air? Don't wait a second longer!

    What's On Air app is an advanced radio player in a palm of your hand. It keeps you up-to-date with your favorite music by detecting what songs and bands are on air. Get access to thousands of internet radio stations (local and international) and take control over them!

    With What's On Air radio streams will play your preferred music only! What's On Air finds your favorite songs and bands that are currently on air, displaying only those that are about to be played or have just started. Look for your favorite music by search keys, radio stream music genre or list of artists on air. Shake your device in order to listen to the found tracks one after another.

    Can't wait no more? Activate the Instant Boost to get an extremely fast and immediate response for your searches. Missing some info about the found song? Unlock tons of data about played song or band (Full discography, Youtube videos, Wikipedia articles etc.)

    Get access to your favorite music now with What's On Air!

    http://i51.tinypic.com/34errsn.png http://i51.tinypic.com/6qfpkz.png

    * Enter up to 20 search keys to find artists and songs
    * Radar alert every time the desired song is played
    * Once-a-minute refreshing list of bands and songs on air
    * Instant Boost guarantees extremely fast app performance
    * Shake the device to listen to found tracks one after another
    * Album art of the playing song is displayed
    * Browse through tons of info about your favorite bands (discography,wikipedia, youtube, myspace, imbd, iTunes etc) or buy them directly from iTunes
    * Create the list of your favorite radio stations
    * Access to the radio websites
    * Browse through the history of listened tracks with album art
    * Multitasking (listen to the chosen radio stream or band outside the app)
    * Browse through the list of radio stations (local and international) by music genre
    * Optimized user friendly interface


    http://i51.tinypic.com/15y4wo.png http://i56.tinypic.com/ngaohj.png

    manitoulin island bridge. Manitoulin Island here in
  • Manitoulin Island here in

  • application
    Apr 23, 10:26 AM

    Japan Nuclear Radiation!!! Are your friends panicked by media coverage of the event? Share this Apps so they can see things are currently normal. You can scroll and zoom around the map. This map visualises crowd-sourced geiger counter reading from across world.

    GeigerMap 1.0 is one of the biggest available database for the iPhone when it comes to radiation measurement!

GeigerMap 1.0 grants access to a few thousand measurement stations all over the world, providing data from official measurement stations as well as private measurement stations.
The number of measurement stations is growing with each update of the app.

    Data of nearby stations are compared to avoid false informations.


How to use:
After locating the area where information about radioactivity is needed, the app grants access to informations of the respectively measurement stations.


Unlike other apps claiming to be a real geiger counter this app rather shows regularly updated data from measurement stations all over the world, therefore the results can easily be double checked by comparing with data of other measurement stations.

    Power App GmbH

    GeigerMap 1.0

    Purchase and Download

    We will be updating this Post daily for the features of Power APP, so don't forget to check this post daily.
    For more info about Power App,please visit our homepage,facebook or Twitter.

    Screenshots from GeigerMap for iPhone:

    Promo Code:

    manitoulin island bridge. Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island
  • Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island

  • Mudbug
    Aug 19, 12:20 AM

    damn, I like that - but few if any will really understand.

    Nice one, gets my vote :D


    Happy to make you laugh :D


    manitoulin island bridge. on to Manitoulin island.
  • on to Manitoulin island.

  • partyBoy
    Sep 3, 01:36 AM
    how do you get the weather, date, etc like that? i also see you upload/download speeds at the top, etc? can you point me in the right direction?

    When quoting don't include the pic when they are large...

    Currently sporting :

    use timg for large images...

    manitoulin island bridge. on to Manitoulin island.
  • on to Manitoulin island.

  • jav6454
    Jan 25, 03:13 PM
    My 2007 MacPro 2,1 could use a boost also. Sadly it would make sense to replace it with a 27'' iMac with these new 3.4Ghz SandyBridge chip whenever it comes out. I can't really justify buying a 12 core machine just for Folding...

    Lease it :D

    Yes, I understand a 27" iMac does make sense now.


    manitoulin island bridge. Bridge (Manitoulin Island)
  • Bridge (Manitoulin Island)

  • Doctor Q
    Oct 19, 11:20 PM
    If you have a title in mind for this one, please post it here.

    manitoulin island bridge. manitoulin island
  • manitoulin island

  • sishaw
    Apr 7, 02:23 PM
    This is something I absolutely don't need, BUT I WANT IT!!! Including the iCade cabinet.


    manitoulin island bridge. Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island
  • Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island

  • mattcube64
    Apr 4, 09:23 PM
    I currently drive a 2006 Grand Prix.

    Next car I hope to buy (hopefully before the end of the year):
    2011 Camaro SS/2SS/RS IOM with Orange interior, black stripe, GM black rims.

    *REALISTIC* dream car. I'll hopefully own one someday.:
    2010 (or late-model when I actually get it) green Viper ACR.

    *PURE FANTASY* dream car:
    Lamborghini Reventon Roadster.

    manitoulin island bridge. Little Current - Swing Bridge
  • Little Current - Swing Bridge

  • chrisleavens
    Oct 11, 11:28 AM
    Well you talk about fairness, I don't think its fair that your studies are funded by the government and mine are not, even though I will be working directly for the government in the very near future. And, its not fair to me that you may very well benefit directly from my work in several ways. For example, say you come to America for a holiday, and you are mugged. It would be my job to help get the guy responsible for your mugging and to be able to put you back to your position before you were mugged, at no cost to you because you are not an American citizen and don't pay taxes. So, I feel toat you owe me money because that would be fair. I know i'm making money as an attorney, but so is Loren on the many, many other projects he has going on for him. Its only fair that we are both compensated justly for everything we do, right? Just like you would want to be compensated by me if I came to your country and needed medical help, it would be nothing out of my pocket, and that doesn't seem fair to you personally doing something without just compensation.

    My point is, each of us has our own lives to support, because really when it comes down to it, no one else is giving us a free ride...well except for you and thats not really fair. Well then to educate you, in America, no one gets a free ride. We're all for ourselves here, and then we have to pay taxes up the ass for the people on welfare who mooch off of the welfare system without really doing anything. No ones gonna help me with my law school loans even though the work I am doing will benefit many, many people. I will get a small government salary (criminal prosecutors do not make a lot of money at all, thats why so many attorneys try to go to private practices and big law firms, to make that 6 or 7 figure income). Does that seem fair? No.

    Loren is gonna be ok, whether he had charged for Tweetie 2 or not. He has many other things going on, many other products, and he gets paid for those lectures he does. The guys who created youtube didn't charge people to access the videos hosted on their site for free, or charge people each time they updated their servers and software, yet they are rolling in the dough. In America, we thrive on customer satisfaction. I personally do not feel Loren did enough with Tweetie 1 in satisfying his customers before going ahead and charging full price for an "update." And his excuse that Apple didn't provide an upgrade path is a cop out. I read his tweet on the decision; he did it because he "had the balls to do it." He should at least go back to Tweetie 1 and upgrade that as much as possible until he can't anymore. He stated that he wanted to do things to Tweetie that were impossible to do without rewriting the app from scratch. Thats fine, but you can't leave your old customers out in the cold like he did. People paid for Tweetie 1 without knowing that Loren would be pulling this stunt off. Thats not fair to them, they deserve to be satisfied, they paid a fair amount and got ditched, bamboozled, baited and switched. If he wants to justify charging again, then he needs to go back to Tweetie 1 and fix it up as much as possible to satisfy everyone. THAT would be fair. I really hope he sees this too. Its not unprecedented; Microsoft kept XP updated because people didn't want to move to Vista, same with Office 2003 to 2007. Upgrading to Tweetie 2 means you lose out on themes, which were important to many people. Theres no push on Tweetie 2, so those with Tweetie 1 aren't missing out on too much. I think now that Loren has double the income (they haven't taken Tweetie 1 off the app store), he now has sufficient funds to keep Tweetie 1 alive with newer features and updates, until he can't go any farther with the Tweetie 1 code. No free rides for Loren if there are no free rides for the consumer. It means less time doing the university talks and interviews, and more time working for his money.

    Wow. Not to be an ass or anything, but it seems like you've spent at least $3.00 of your time composing this retort.;)

    Honestly, I shelled out the cash for the same reason Manic did, so I'm not going to repeat what he said because I think it's pretty pitch-perfect. But I will add:

    Should I get the next Radiohead album for free since I paid for "In Rainbows?" Should I get free admission to the next Batman movie because I paid to see the last one? They're all new works, with new money and time put into them, just like Tweetie 2, so we pay for them anew, regardless of how many other projects the creators have going on, how financially OK they are, or how good or bad the antecedent was. Oh, and there was a big old warning on the Tweetie 1 entry warning potential buyers that 2 was just around the corner. Don't know how long it was there, but it was there.


    manitoulin island bridge. Manitoulin Island Website
  • Manitoulin Island Website

  • SidBala
    Mar 16, 10:17 PM
    There was an article about an 11 year old girl who was gangraped in Texas by 18 young men because she was dressed up like a 21-year-old prostitute.

    So if she was really a 21 year old prostitute, the gang rape is okay then?

    manitoulin island bridge. Swinging Bridge, Little
  • Swinging Bridge, Little

  • vincenz
    Aug 11, 04:15 PM
    Love that scenic stuff...

    Isn't the perspective in that wallpaper all messed up? There's no vanishing point!


    manitoulin island bridge. on Manitoulin Island: huge
  • on Manitoulin Island: huge

  • onne2slick
    Aug 14, 02:55 AM
    here is mine


    Those boobs are so fake. Audrina's boobs aren't even that big !

    manitoulin island bridge. Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island
  • Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island

  • pknz
    Jul 31, 06:26 AM
    Err, nope. No country is on 1st August yet.
    Japan is the earliest to be on 1st Aug, but at this time of my writing, it's still 8:24 pm (31 July) in Japan.
    Obviously OP wants the attention of being the thread starter. :rolleyes:

    Er... New Zealand (and Australia, et al) will be in August before Japan.

    Still 35mins to go.


    manitoulin island bridge. Manitoulin Island on Aug.
  • Manitoulin Island on Aug.

  • mcmlxix
    Mar 25, 11:42 AM
    I've been thinking about that: remember when there were rumors of OS X delays because the Mac team was pulled onto the iOS team in order to get 3.0 out? I'm wondering if the opposite is happening now - the iOS team has been pulled onto the Lion team in order to get Lion ready for a summer launch.

    This begs another question.

    I know Apple likes to have very agile teams that can be pulled into whichever project needs the most attention at the time, but if OS X is taking a hit because of iOS, iOS is taking a hit because of OS X, iWork hasn�t been refreshed, let alone iWork for iOS, etc, etc, it sounds like Apple just needs more engineers.

    manitoulin island bridge. Manitoulin Island
  • Manitoulin Island

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Mar 29, 08:33 AM
    Just the last week:


    manitoulin island bridge. Fähre nach Manitoulin Island
  • Fähre nach Manitoulin Island

  • knew2mack
    Apr 29, 06:33 PM
    I am trying to attach a photo to an email and all of a sudden, the window is too big and I am unable to make it smaller OR choose the pic. I am able to get the photo but on the bottom, where it says cancel or 'choose' or is it 'open', I can't see that part.

    I know this is super easy n whoever is reading this is probably giggling to themselves, 'this girl hasn't learned a damn thing'.....I'm trying folks, I'm trying.

    I appreciate your help, as always!!


    manitoulin island bridge. Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island
  • Swing Bridge Manitoulin Island

  • extensor
    Apr 6, 04:05 PM
    12 petabytes is mind blowing, i remember my first windows pc with 300mb of hdd space.

    My first computer stored data on audio cassette tape. Anyone know how much data that is?

    manitoulin island bridge. in Manitoulin Island drug
  • in Manitoulin Island drug

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 28, 07:33 PM
    Apple should really diversify their suppliers anyway, which is what they look like they are doing. Cut Samsung supply by 50%, and threaten all of it if they don't get their act together. Surely Samsung doesn't think that that they can bring in this kind of revenue on their own merit. Outside of LCD televisions, Samsung has an image problem, and even that has only improved in the last few years.

    Samsung makes good cellphones. All the cellphones I've owned in my life have been Samsung ones :D

    Apr 13, 09:52 AM
    Is getting major upgrade in my opinion...

    It's also allowing CDMA to propagate a bit further before next cycle..

    Feb 23, 06:44 PM
    Ah, I had not noticed that the songs were all 1 rec'ers.

    Feb 17, 12:06 AM
    Oh really..... 550 family plan works fine lol.

    i dont get the option on the 550 min plan

    Feb 23, 06:44 PM
    Ah, I had not noticed that the songs were all 1 rec'ers.

    Dec 11, 02:54 AM
    Decided to change it again, something darker :)

    Source of Original (http://dark.pozadia.org/images/wallpapers/epitaph_wuxga-569537.jpeg)