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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

good quotes about relationships

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  • MacGeek7
    Oct 14, 07:59 PM
    Background from somewhere in InterfaceLift

    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • davidjacobs21
    Feb 24, 06:05 PM
    The deal is on slickdeals so it probably wont last long. Its totally legit through motorola. I thought about trying it out but then it says could take 4-6 week to get money back if i return it. Not sure if i will like it


    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • rtdunham
    May 1, 10:20 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Fortress. In casual conversation people will say their stuff's "in the Fort".

    It's a little more grown up than castle, less preteen fairytale? (although until this thread I liked Castle better than iCloud; heck, probably still do).

    good quotes about relationships. Here#39;s The Good News!
  • Here#39;s The Good News!

  • Matthew M.
    Aug 15, 04:36 PM
    already changed mine



    good quotes about relationships. funny quotes on relationships.
  • funny quotes on relationships.

  • (L)
    Apr 30, 10:42 PM
    ...Apple is rumored (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/28/apple-purchases-icloud-com-for-4-5-million/) to have purchased the iCloud.com domain name for $4.5 million dollars.

    Does this mean whoever randomly happened to have iCloud.com just made 4.5M$? Is there any money to be made by squatting on those? That seems counterintuitive, since if anyone could do it, so could Apple. Or do all domain names that have the form i[noun].com cost a ton of money for that reason?

    good quotes about relationships. “Every good relationship
  • “Every good relationship

  • Full of Win
    Apr 28, 07:43 PM
    Looks like Apple picked on the wrong company. Give em' a bloody nose Sammy.


    good quotes about relationships. Nothing makes a good wife like
  • Nothing makes a good wife like

  • kcmac
    Oct 5, 09:55 PM
    The resizable text box will be awesome. There is nothing worse than some lame brain web designer that only lets you see one or two lines at a time when you need to see a lot more.

    The solution that was shown on the blog site looked simple and elegant. Its about the user. Listen up you snot a$$ designers. :D :p ;)

    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • quagmire
    Apr 1, 07:10 AM
    2012 Buick Regal GS.



    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • BakedBeans
    Nov 11, 03:27 AM
    ok, STOP FIGHTING over freeness ;)

    anything goes thats remotely free, trials sharewares freeware.... anything... :):):)

    good quotes about relationships. quotes involves primarily
  • quotes involves primarily

  • Lynxpro
    Jul 27, 06:26 PM
    Any 1080p television worth anything can easily deinterlace the 1080i signal from the Toshiba HD DVD player with zero image degradation. There simply is no difference. The 1080p vs. 1080i thing (for HD DVD and BD) is a myth.

    First, I mentioned that the outputting problem is common with both formats the existing HD-DVD AND Blu-Ray decks currently on the market because the decoder chip is just not that great. That is why people are making a big deal about the upcoming Sigma Designs decoder chip that will come standard in both formats' second generation machines. Look it up.

    And deinterlacing an input signal is not as good as the outputting device outputting in progressive scan in the first place. Do you want to argue that upscaling DVD players are just as good as the current HD formats while you are at it?

    Sony has not stated any plan to use H.264 encoding. No studio has stated any plans for H.264 encoding either. It's either MPEG-2 vs. VC-1, and if you've watched anything on HD DVD, you'd know it's capable of amazing results. Compared to all available Blu-Ray discs, VC-1 beats MPEG-2. A better Blu-ray deck will not make the crappy MPEG-2 discs look better, because the problem is with the disc, not the player. Even when BD50 discs are viable (some day!), they'll still use MPEG-2. Warner, who has already released VC-1 encoded HD DVDs, will be releasing the same titles on BD in... you guessed it... MPEG-2.

    Nobody is arguing that VC-1 does not outperform MPEG2. However, it is nowhere near as good as H.264 MPEG4. We know it, the SMPTE knows it, and of course in their dark hearts, Microsoft knows it too. The problem currently is that the machines on the market do not have good enough decoder chips - again, referencing the problems that will be solved with the Sigma chip hits the market - to decode the H.264 codec. But once the good chips hit the market, it is doubtful that the HD-DVD format will ever back H.264 because that would cheese off Microsoft. And the success of VC-1 and iHD is crucial to Microsoft's entertainment expansion plans. If HD-DVD dies, Microsoft loses out on both VC-1 royalities as well as iHD licensing and places the Xbox360 ultimately at a competitive disadvantage.

    Just because Sony hasn't announced H.264 support does not add up to much. They don't even have their own player on the market yet. And until then - as well as the PS3 launch - I doubt they will announce support. After all, currently, Sony is only interested in Blu-Ray being viable for upcoming consumers; they really do not want us buying the Samsung player currently. So no, I (also) highly doubt your assertion that Sony will still cling to MPEG2 when the higher capacity discs hit the market. Furthermore, Sony already uses H.264 on their PSP UMD titles. Obviously, the reason why they haven't done likewise on Blu-Ray discs has to do with the decoder chips, not due to any sort of conspiracy or incompetence factor that you seem to be asserting.


    Based upon the info on that link, it is apparent that Sony is no stranger to encoding using H.264 and thus there is no logical reason to conclude that Sony won't shift to using H.264 on all of their Blu-Ray titles once their own players and the PS3 ships.

    As for Warner Home Video, they have a vested interest in making sure Blu-Ray does not succeed. Warner and Toshiba both make quite a sizeable fortune off the royalties from the DVD standard. They both want HD-DVD to succeed so they can maintain those royalities. Had Sony and the rest of the Blu-Ray Disc Association agreed to preserving the Warner/Toshiba royalities, there would not be a format war currently, and Toshiba would not have prostituted itself to Microsoft over iHD and VC-1.

    Furthermore, iHD is apparently much easier to develop for than BD-J. That's one reason why there are already HD DVDs with interesting new features (like the "In Movie Experience" on Bourne Supremacy) vs. no new extra features for any BD discs, nor are there any discs announced with new (BD-J) features.

    Can any other posters shill the Microsoft party line more? "They" said the Sony Playstation2 was "too hard" to program for versus programming for the Microsoft Xbox. Which platform won again? Which platform had the most third-party support? That's right, the "too hard to program for" Playstation2. The reason why there are extra features on the current HD-DVD titles has to do with the fact that they are using VC-1 and the Blu-Ray titles are using the space-hungry MPEG2 codec currently. There's no room right now on Blu-Ray releases for the "extras" you are bringing up. It has nothing to do with "how hard" it is to program BD-J.

    Reminds me of how Warner Bros. people started the whole "Brandon Routh is so well endowed that special effects are having to be used to tone down his crotch for *Superman Returns*" rumor that was circulating in the trades and online months before the film debuted. It was a recycled rumor that Warners had used back before the release of the original *Superman* with Christopher Reeve to generate buzz for potential female viewers. Kinda like how you are recycling/repeating the "BD-J is too hard to program for" rumor.

    Let us also remember that Apple sits on the Blu-Ray Disc Association board. They could have supported either format, but they chose Blu-Ray for some reason...hmmm... Kinda like how they chose Dolby's AAC format as their "next generation" audio codec instead of Microsoft's (tin can sounding) WMA audio format. That speaks volumes.


    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • Coffee87
    Feb 2, 09:15 AM
    Monthly Desktops Guidelines:
    � For large images use [timg] rather than [img]
    � Use attachments when necessary so images don't disappear when they are removed from their source
    � When possible, include links to the full-sized original so others can download them. If you don't want to share, state that in your posts so others don't continue to ask for links.
    � When quoting a post with images, remove the images to reduce clutter
    � Please report any posts you feel need attention by clicking on this icon: .
    � If you would like an original wallpaper I would recommend using TinEye

    Is that iTunes up in the menu bar? If so, how?? :)

    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • VulchR
    Mar 28, 09:43 AM
    Two comments:


    good quotes about relationships. good quotes about
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  • evil_santa
    Aug 20, 06:29 PM
    yep he dose some spinning for a bit then throws up! :D

    good quotes about relationships. A good result, situation or
  • A good result, situation or

  • floatingspirit
    Nov 4, 08:03 PM
    Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack Sidetrack
    link= http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/20854
    sorry but it deserves everyone of those mentions a great application. A great app that really lets you control your trackpad. A must have if you have an ibook or powerbook.

    MenuMeters Also another great app to tell you if your computer is actually working.
    link= http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/17713

    Perhpas it is cool, but it "crashed" my touch pad. I zapped PRAM, repaired permissions and deleted the Sidetrack program and I still coouldn't get the touch pad to work again. Finally, I reinstalled Panther and it works......


    good quotes about relationships. Quotes
  • Quotes

  • 4JNA
    Feb 11, 09:15 AM
    Where can I find other distributed computing groups? I am interested in helping somebody but am not sure how many groups there are out there.


    walky on over to WIKI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_distributed_computing_projects) :D

    good quotes about relationships. Few But Good
  • Few But Good

  • amcanh
    Aug 6, 10:06 PM
    I acquired a Lacie 300736U DVD light scribe. It has no cables and looks to be in very good condition. I am wondering if it can be connected to a dell T2642. If so where can I get the needed cables and software? I would really like to try light scribe.

    DVD+-RW 8X4X12 FIREWIRE Designed by F A Porsche 514


    good quotes about relationships. funny quotes about
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  • redshift1
    Sep 4, 12:52 AM
    Here's mine. Doubt anyone wants my cat on their desktop, so not posting a link.

    http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4345/screenshot20100903at111.png (http://img34.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20100903at111.png/)

    My two bengal cars are very similar.

    good quotes about relationships. and of relationships in
  • and of relationships in

  • Consultant
    Mar 23, 09:12 AM
    Its funny how every position at Apple is either a Vice President or Senior Vice President of something... hehe..

    No VP or SVP of magic though. =/ ;)

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  • love quotes for him and her

  • liamkp
    Jun 21, 08:59 PM

    Vaja if you can afford it-theyre ridiculous.

    Mar 20, 08:54 PM
    How anyone could seriously think that 16 years behind bars, even with a television, is a cushy way to spend a life is beyond me. Who here would volunteer?

    :eek: you've got to be joking right now. it's not supposed to be cushy, it's supposed to be horrible, and it's supposed to last until the day they die if they don't get the death penalty. before we were talking about life in prison without parole versus the death penalty, and now you're saying that someone who is currently death penalty worthy in the states should be put in prison for 16 years and thats sufficient? Let's be clear because i don't want to accuse you of implying something you're not. Is this or is this not what you are saying?

    Apr 24, 11:25 PM
    I originally wanted the white model, but ended up getting the black model. Once it hits the shelves, I'll look at it in store to see how it looks in person, to see if I'll want a white iPhone 5....works out well!

    iPad 2
    Apr 7, 12:32 PM
    All the fun arcade games were 2 player games. If the iCade had one more arcade stick for 2 player gaming (and also usable for dual analog shooters like NOVA2, Modern Combat 2, and Nazi Zombies), it would be perfect.

    Leaving out a second arcade stick was a mistake. You can't even play 2 player pong without a second stick.

    Nov 2, 02:08 PM
    do you have any pics of your own??!?!?!

    Er... No. Well. OK, I'll snap a couple with my crap camera. Someone needs to take some good pictures with a nice macro lens. ...I'm not that ambitious, besides my "big" or "nice" camera is still a film camera. OK, that's them... Not really any better than what others have posted. Oh well.

    French iPod
    Dec 1, 04:15 PM
    http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/9925/screenshot20101201at506.png (http://img32.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20101201at506.png/)