First things first...that Holly Valance artwork I blogged about last week? FAKE! I knew it was too good to be true. Holly took to her MySpace blog to address "comeback" rumors, saying "Why would anyone release something without promoting it and anyone hearing it first? It takes months of promotion and plugging to get radio onboard and people in the know about your music." She continues, "For those that wanna hear a new record, it will be done the right way. Like it was last time. You just might be waiting a while."
That being said, I'm a bit dissapointed but not surprised. The artwork reminds me of Jessica Simpson's artwork for "A Public Affair." I knew I would have heard something about a comeback single if it actually existed. Looks like she's taking her sweet time, so good for her. I hope she comes back strong. The girl deserves a music career for sure.
Anyway, here's some other cool other official artwork posted on Coverlandia.

I gotta say...I'm excited to hear the new Pitbull record. I have a bit of a crush on him to...he's HOT. I love that he's infusing hip hop and dance in his new music...first with "I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)" and now with "Hotel Room Service." The album artwork appears to feature Pit's "Calle Ocho" video co-star Sagia, lookin' fierce as ever in camo body paint.
When I saw the trailer for the new movie BandSlam, I thought "oh no...another High School Musical clone...not to mention the fact that it stars HM alum, Vanessa Hudgens. This movie looks better. Plus, it stars Lisa Kudrow so there's an obvious plus! The boys of Honor Society are cute and talented and are featured on the soundtrack album (via Hollywood Records) for the movie. Check out their new single "Where Are You Now" from the BandSlam soundtrack and see them on tour this summer with the Jonas Brothers.
Here's the single artwork for R&B singer Cassie's new jam featuring Akon. Looks like she's showing off the new haircut that's been photographed recently. It's an interesting look. Cassie is absolutely stunning so I think she'd pretty much look good bald. Looking forward to her new album.
I enjoy the Arctic Monkeys. I'm not the BIGGEST fan per say, but I have enjoyed the singles that I've heard, downloaded them on iTunes and the like. This album artwork was just too cool looking NOT to post about. I'm interested to hear what these guys have coming next.