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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 04:52 AM
    And tell me...how do you figure out this 2.1 magic number? What's wrong with 1.9? Does the human race have to be like bateria and proliferate all over the place consuming the earth until the land is barren? That's what you want? You want Europe to be like China and run out of food such that they have to give "child licenses" so that ppl won't starve to death? Oh...I know...how about Afghanistan which is what? Like 7? That's a model country we should take after for sure! :rolleyes:
    2.1 is the replacement rate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_fertility_rate#Replacement_rates)
    I'm pretty sure I said "bolster the population," not "raise the birth rate." Making babies is only one way to increase the number of people in a certain area.
    Ponzi schemes FTW. Europe will need 20 million immigrants by 2030 and way more by 2050 in order to maintain their lifestyle, or we could be monsters and kill old people.
    The United Kingdom is going through a radical transformation in its social makeup, largely as a result of immigration. Where a few years ago people were worrying about birthrate and falling population projections, a government report in late 2007 projected Britain would have 11 million more people by 2031 — an increase of 18 percent — and by one estimate 69 percent of the growth would come from immigrants and their children. Liam Byrne, Britain’s immigration minister, called earlier last year for “radical action” to manage the system.

    The British situation today seems a far cry from “lowest low,” but it doesn’t mean that immigration is the answer to low birthrates. The actual numbers, according to several authorities, are discouraging over the long run. By one analysis of U.N. figures, Britain would need more than 60 million new immigrants by 2050 — more than doubling the size of the country — to keep its current ratio of workers to pensioners, and Germany would need a staggering 188 million immigrants in the same time period. One reason for such huge numbers is that while immigration helps fill cities and schools and factories in the short term, the dynamic adjusts over time. Immigrants who come from cultures where large families are standard quickly adapt to the customs of their new homes. And eventually immigrants age, too, so that the benefit that incoming workers give to the pension system today becomes a drag on the system in the future. A European Commission working document published in November 2007 concludes that “truly massive and increasing flows of young migrants would be required” to offset current demographic changes. Few Europeans want that. Immigration already touches all sorts of raw nerves, forcing debates about cultural identity, citizenship tests, national canons, terrorism and tolerance, religious versus secular values.

    Meanwhile, in the midst of arguments about natalist and immigration policies come other voices and more elemental questions. Is it even possible to increase the population significantly? Is it even necessary? There are those who think that “lowest low” is not in itself a looming disaster but more of a challenge, even an opportunity. The change that’s required, they say, is not in breeding habits but thinking habits.

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  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 20, 06:21 PM
    Doesn't he get dizzy after a while?

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  • Laser47
    Dec 5, 06:34 PM
    It should be fine if you put it in its original box with all the foam and etc.

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  • netcs54
    Mar 23, 11:53 AM
    Saft Demo

    Anyone know how to remove Saft 7.5.5 Demo from Safari?


    If you haven't found the answer to your question here is what I did.

    I found the answer on:

    It recomends
    Run Saft Installer and choose uninstall, or Move Saft in /Library/InputManagers to Trash.

    I ran the Saft installer but did not get the choice to uninstall so I moved
    /Library/InputManagers to Trash and that did the trick.


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  • Flynnstone
    Apr 6, 12:11 PM
    Looks like I need a bigger hard drive.
    I was going to download the internet tonight :D

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  • ymilord
    Oct 19, 12:15 AM
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    Anyone interested?


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  • kvizzel
    Mar 30, 09:13 PM
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  • thegoldenmackid
    Dec 17, 03:46 PM
    Yay. I really wish that we could have Marshall/Eminem back as opposed to Slim. I do disagree with his comments:
    But Encore just didn't have the caliber to match it
    I guess enough time just ain't passed, yet
    A couple more years, that s***'ll be ill-matic

    Encore might be his best ever.


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  • xwinger
    Apr 19, 09:59 AM
    so I opened up my macbook this morning (late 2008 aluminum) and it was at the log in screen which was weird so i logged on and came to discover that when i click on the applications folder in the dock that opens up the grid view, it logs me out. any suggestions?

    heres a video


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  • Mal
    Feb 1, 03:10 PM
    One of several in rotation. I use SnowTunes for the dark menubar (among other things), DarkDock for the dark dock :p, and Float for the indicators. Bowtie provides the album artwork, and I have a matching Adium theme that I just hid so I didn't have to go in and blur out the names.




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  • MattMJB0188
    Oct 1, 10:24 AM

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  • craigd
    Aug 4, 07:40 AM
    Ok here's my MBP running on a external monitor at 1080p


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  • iPhobic
    Apr 4, 10:26 AM
    You see? This is the problem when there's no competition. Pretty soon we'll have three main carriers (ATT, Verizon and Sprint). One of them decides to increase prices, then the other will follow suit. I'll go with an iPod touch and a paid phone once my contract is up. Screw them all!

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  • PBF
    Mar 26, 09:32 PM
    The whole thing is just silly and a time-waster.

    What was the point anyway? The seller will not get the money and most likely be suspended/banned.

    1. Wrong category
    2. Misleading title

    Puh-leeeease, gimme uh break!! :rolleyes:


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  • lannim
    Apr 13, 04:39 PM
    I can has link?

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  • johnnyjibbs
    Oct 14, 04:09 AM
    Having trouble computing what exactly is "overdone" about the UI of this app. It is simple, clean and well organized.

    If you so desire, help a brother out and explain what is "overdone" about the UI?

    I remember back in the Nintendo 64 days there was a good Mario-like platform game called Banjo Kazooie. The first one looked amazing, was smooth and was a joy to play, looking great for one of the earlier games to come out on the system.

    Fast forward a couple of years and Banjo Tooie (Banjo Kazooie 2) came out. Sure, it was 'bigger and better', with even more stuff going on and 'better graphics'. But it pushed the N64 beyond its capabilities and suffered from jerky gameplay, with too many things packed in for its own good. The whole game was, while good in pockets, too cluttered and the whole thing felt 'overdone'.

    Tweetie 1 was akin to Banjo Kazooie. Unfortunately, Tweetie 2 is a bit more 'Banjo Tooie'. It's the classic underwhelming film sequel, there to cash on in on a brilliant first version.


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  • qpawn
    Dec 19, 03:49 AM
    Here's a little humor that none of my friends would understand! :p

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  • Tim117
    Mar 16, 11:54 PM

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  • Sun Baked
    Feb 12, 06:51 PM
    Maybe not. ;)Don't worry...

    As edesignuk found out, it's a pain in the neck to keep putting smilies and pictures in all your posts. http://forums.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20416&stc=1

    Oct 9, 07:04 PM
    Wasn't this supposed to have push notifications?

    May 3, 09:49 PM
    Can someone point me to a well done video showing the amazing benefits of jail-breaking. IT is not for my knowledge. I would like to show some friends who are on the fence of purchasing an iPhone. Thanks in advanced.:)

    Oct 31, 08:58 AM
    How can you pre-order if the 2GB shuffle is not even on Apple's website?

    Tell me that's a joke. I even put a clarification in the story this time. 2G = SECOND GENERATION

    May 1, 05:26 AM
    Why would you use any @isp for a professional email address??

    For $10/year you should have name@domain.com

    Apple and MobileMe are not ISPs. ISP stands for Internet Service Provider.

    Nov 20, 07:44 AM
    Its also law. They are legally not allowed to refuse a manufacturers warranty based on which shop you bought it from (At least in the UK - it would be mind numbingly idiotic of any government to allow them to refuse it).
    In the UK, you are contracted to the retailer you bought it from. They are responsible for the product for six years. We have good laws in place to protect the consumer. I find it hard to understand why people never use their rights under laws such as the Sales of Goods Act.

    A warranty is an insurance policy. Apple Care in the UK is not a policy from Apple, but a third party insurance company that they are contracted with. Can't remember the name of the company.

    Apple are pretty good at repairing out of guarantee/Apple Care products, even when these times have lapsed. Had a power supply and logic board in my 4 year old iMac replaced for free. Sales of Goods Act is your best friend. :)