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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

funny friend quotes

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  • MacBytes
    Oct 25, 03:31 PM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: 3rd Party Hardware
    Link: Jobs� PC Board Esthetics (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20101025163139)
    Description:: How Steve is concerned with the esthetics of the PC board

    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)
    Approved by Mudbug

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 4, 11:07 AM
    I think Apple's policy allows for users to opt-in to sharing their personal data.

    That ability is there. But rather than give its customers a choice of opting in, FT would rather sell your information without your approval.

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 28, 06:08 AM
    Not surprising. Android is becoming the more dominant... thing.

    Not the right reason...

    I have a droid.(had iPhone on ATT but didnt get coverage at work/home) I payed an extra $100 to get the 1 year commitment in Nov 2009 just in case the CDMA iPhone came out a year later. Well it did come out a year later and my verizon contract was up. But I didnt get it because it was the same 8 month old phone and there is 0 chance I am going to get locked into a 2 year deal in january for a 8 month old phone that I wont be able to trade in until the June release 2.5 years later.

    I'm surprised they are surprised.

    This is. People who are or were with Verizon are now:

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  • manu chao
    Apr 4, 05:54 PM
    thus, im pleased w/ iOS policies, at the expense of devious marketeers.
    And what is iOS's policy? That you get a dialogue window instead of a checkbox? I'm really glad at this momentous improvement.

    Why would any country allow newspapers to sell subscriptions without the option to opt out? Check back with your politicians if that were legal in your country.


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  • mcrain
    Mar 3, 08:44 AM
    @fivepoint- How about showing a little respect for the viewers of this thread and use TIMG tags on your images?

    I see you still haven't had the common decency to TIMG tag your charts. As for debate with you? Why bother, it's the same thing every day with you. You just copy and paste the same things.

    What is a TIMG tag, and how do you do it? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to derail this trainwreck of a thread.

    funny friend quotes. funny friendship quotes
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  • MattZani
    Aug 3, 05:18 PM
    Loved the film, and felt it was time for a change.



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  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 10, 05:06 PM
    They make not tinker with it too much, though they did try to take it a bit down market in its last revision. They may just stick to the four door sedans, since they tend to be the biggest sellers. The ironic part is that people laughed when VW tried to move upscale in the 90s, more into the luxury market. Now people are giving them flak for trying to make their stuff more affordable.

    Back in the 90s, auto magazines in the US criticized the Jetta for being too small (similar criticisms were leveled at the underrated Mondeo sold here as the Contour). I always like the in-between size of the Jetta, but apparently most Americans prefer larger cars.

    I would like to think I'm wrong, but most Americans seem to correlate size and quality, i.e. bigger cars are better. People can't understand why anyone would buy a smaller car when a bigger one could be had at the same price.

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  • skinnylegs
    Apr 19, 10:22 AM
    I have never worked with pie charts and I could really use some help. I'm wondering if there might be a kind soul here on the boards that would be willing to make a simple yet powerful pie chart/graph with some simple data.

    Thanks in advance. :)


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  • WillEH
    Mar 27, 03:21 PM
    Just report it under misleading title. As it's a misleading title, they will quickly remove it.

    You have successfully submitted a report.

    :rolleyes: @ all the keyboard lawyers.

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  • Marley
    Oct 3, 04:31 PM
    just geektool + a gray image


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  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 22, 07:19 AM
    Got external drives connected? This happens because the externals are spinning up.

    funny friend quotes. Funny Friend Quotes
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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 16, 12:51 PM
    Here is a video (http://www.the-daily-record.com/news/article/5000213) (not the best quality) from the press conference in which the two Ohio reps present their case to the media. It's a half hour long, and I skimmed though it, but the firt four minutesd of it lays out the case in it's essentials. The issues with the death penalty that this bill would address:


    funny friend quotes. quote, funny, friendship
  • quote, funny, friendship

  • wratran
    Mar 3, 11:07 AM
    I have an ipad 3g with 4.2.1 with 7.10.00 baseband.
    I know the 4.2.1 can be jailbroken....but can the 7.10 be unlock?

    I look at iclarified website for the unlock tutorial for 7.10....nothing show up

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  • macnews
    Sep 27, 02:46 AM
    I think it does look nice. I just hope this is include in Leopard server as well. I would love to run my own mail server with this type of webmail interface.


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  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 29, 07:34 AM
    once people get to upgrade their phones... iPhone will be #1 on verizon.

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  • LoganT
    Oct 10, 02:17 PM
    Favorite UI feature is the refresh thing.


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  • kretzy
    Dec 23, 06:42 AM
    That's great!...a summary of Windows in one little avartar!:p

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  • shingi70
    Apr 13, 10:06 AM
    When thunderbolt was announced most of us thought the ipad would have but ot didn't. Now with intel putting out the tjunderbolt sdk when do you think we will start seeing devices that use and who do you think will jump on it first?

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  • KarlJay
    Apr 19, 03:29 AM
    I've just started checking out the Lynda.com training videos for Xcode 4 / ObjC

    They are very well done, and start pretty entry level. I haven't seen anything specific to the iPhone, but looks like a good setup for someone getting into Xcode4 and ObjC.

    I'll check later to see if they have something specific to iPhone dev.

    Well worth looking into.

    Sep 4, 03:24 PM
    You can make the dock transparent with Mirage Dock. Works with 2D or 3D dock.
    Good point.

    Nov 20, 03:10 PM
    Who needs a phone with a touch screen? Unless Apple wants to only sell a $500+ phone which most people would not throw down the cash for, this will most likely never happen.

    Just imagine what the cost of one of these screens would cost, and how much it would cost to get replaced if it broke.

    Feb 13, 09:57 AM

    Jan 10, 12:16 AM
    "meh" is the word that comes to mind.

    I Agree

    It's not like the iPhone wasn't expected, and for those outside the US it's all a bit too far away anyway to worry about.

    Personally I was hoping for announcements in regards to leopard, iLife/iWork and future macbook options (Such as the 12" macbook pro... I have drooled over 12" powermacs and the like since i used my brothers in 2002)

    Maybe with this quote ...over the next several months we're gonna be rolling out some awesome new stuff for the mac... I may not have to wait too long

    Apr 13, 10:29 AM
    Is there a way to check how many of each iPhone version are currently activated?

    I'm assuming there is still a large number of 3GS users out there and it just seems crazy that AT&T and to a lesser extent, carriers around the world, would allow millions? of users to go off contract without something new and pretty to keep them locked down.

    But of course app purchases, accessories, and time spent with iOS will be enough to keep many loyal even with what Android can offer, even if they have to wait a few extra months.

    I predict that if we don't see the iPhone 5 released in June/July, that there will at least be something mentioned about it at WWDC. Maybe even the normal Job's presentation, but "won't be available until" will be plastered on the screen.

    Just something to keep those waiting to either say, that isn't enough to hold out for and to get an iPhone 4 or for others to hold out and keep feeding the app market in the mean time.

    Either way Apple wins.