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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ugly cat pictures

ugly cat pictures. I got some ugly cats too
  • I got some ugly cats too

  • rebscb
    Sep 9, 02:50 PM
    ATI website (photographic) evidence suggests that the ATI 9000 mobility may be the next graphics card in the powerbook.

    ugly cat pictures. day that said quot;Ugly Cat.
  • day that said quot;Ugly Cat.

  • revelated
    Jan 21, 11:15 PM
    He doesn't need to actually drive that trip to be skeptical of your claim of a thousand miles on a tank of gas. Frankly, I'm skeptical of it too.

    Okay, but you're claiming double that. Not 10% more or 20% more - double.

    No. I'm claiming I got to Phoenix on half a tank of gas which is entirely doable and possible, if you know how to drive properly on freeways. Lead foots won't pull it off. Just because I got there with half a tank to spare after 500 miles does not automatically equate to 1000 on a full tank. Again, you people need to stop riding the numbers. It's not that simple.

    After I got to Phoenix it was all city streets. The remainder of the gas burned out rather quickly. I'd say I was able to do a total of about 600 miles when it was all said and done. Again, the car is not burning gas if you're not pressing the accelerator. If the car is already going 80 MPH on a stretch, there's little need to press the accelerator constantly. All you have to do is tap it every so often to keep the car's momentum going, but in the meantime you're still traveling 80 MPH. You might only burn a quarter's worth of gas if you know how to not ride the accelerator.

    Point being - it CAN be done, so don't tell me the Altima is less efficient than the Versa.

    ugly cat pictures. ugly cat contest.
  • ugly cat contest.

  • Loves2spoon
    Apr 4, 05:59 PM
    Complain here ----> http://www.facebook.com/ATT

    They deleted my comment... lol

    ugly cat pictures. some say ugly cat breed,
  • some say ugly cat breed,

  • iMeowbot
    Aug 13, 05:59 PM
    I miss this little guy.


    ugly cat pictures. iPhone Wallpaper — Ugly cat
  • iPhone Wallpaper — Ugly cat

  • kuryack
    Apr 17, 09:15 AM
    the newest wallpaper:

    ugly cat pictures. Ugly cat sitting on sofa
  • Ugly cat sitting on sofa

  • Kyffin
    Mar 31, 12:24 PM
    What's your favourite movie? I like a good Studio Ghibli move over Christmas...Can you watch them by clicking your links? ;)

    Regards mate,



    ugly cat pictures. cat ugly bat boy 499x322 Weird
  • cat ugly bat boy 499x322 Weird

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 07:55 PM
    But what exactly is your response to the fact that iOS as a platform has more users - therefore is more enticing to developers? And that Android is just a free OS that's modified and put on to phone handsets, mostly HORRID handsets, and many that can't even run an app? You're defending a Linux kernel like it's some breakthrough. Newsflash - it's not.

    Most of the phones running android within the last year and a half can run 90% of the apps available on the Market. And most of the handsets are great for their use, rather it be budget smartphone: Optimus 1 family or highend: Droid line or Keyboard: G2 by htc. Developers are flocking to android because it is growing faster then iOS.

    ugly cat pictures. Action Ugly Cat Spinning
  • Action Ugly Cat Spinning

  • res1233
    May 1, 02:33 AM
    I just don't agree. Whatever they are ? So it it was short like @sex.com or @s__t.com (fill in the underscore yourself), would they care then? I think they would. To me its all about image. Short is nice, but it should be NEUTRAL. The word 'me' does not fit the neutral part, just like 'sex' or 's__t' does not. Of course this is just opinion.

    So what's wrong with @suit.com? My humor for the day. Thanks for playing.

    why would the file be "Untitled"?
    (is this even shot in Lion?)

    This guy is right. After pointing that out, this is most likely 100% fake, but who knows.


    ugly cat pictures. ugly cat
  • ugly cat

  • iVeBeenDrinkin'
    Apr 3, 06:13 AM
    You know that sound when you flush? That.

    ugly cat pictures. ugly cat contest. ugly cat.
  • ugly cat contest. ugly cat.

  • andreas79
    Oct 7, 08:19 AM
    just changed mine,going to keep it for long :)


    ugly cat pictures. 10 Photos of Ugly Cats
  • 10 Photos of Ugly Cats

  • pyrotoaster
    Aug 13, 02:41 PM
    Well, this is about the second thing that came to mind. ;)
    And, it's based off a real one dollar bill! (oooohhhh...)

    ugly cat pictures. ugly cat
  • ugly cat

  • ethical
    Aug 16, 08:24 AM
    Mine - Will share this wallpaper after I get done finishing another color.


    Love it. You always produce great wallpapers.

    Love the look there. Any chance you could direct me atleast on how to achieve that look, geektool and all, please? Or somewhere that I may get to grips with this?


    Check out the GeekTool (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=628023) thread.


    ugly cat pictures. No Ugly Cats Magnets by
  • No Ugly Cats Magnets by

  • cootersgarage6
    Feb 8, 11:39 PM
    My 4th Generation 8GB iPod Touch is getting really laggy. Even simply things. Like when I go to scroll through the pre-loaded pictures for my wallpaper, it lags... and same with web pages and sometimes when I type.. It's not a memory issue because I have almost 5GBs free still, and nothing running in the background.

    ugly cat pictures. click here)
  • click here)

  • BBC B 32k
    Oct 17, 04:56 PM
    i should think so.
    well hope so, just got my passes through.

    hope that the whole of earls court is not just ipod / iphone :rolleyes:


    ugly cat pictures. That is one ugly cat.
  • That is one ugly cat.

  • bigpics
    Mar 31, 01:46 PM
    As a professional photographer this thing is (and always will be) an "App Store" toy - nothing more.

    The iPad will never have the horse power to do what pros need.A number of the comments here ("toy," "will never do X") are more than a bit reminiscent of what many reviewers were saying in 1984 - about the Mac.

    9" 512x342 monochrome pixel display. 128 KB RAM. 8 MHZ Moto CPU. 16 bit. (Note that's "KB" - not MB, let alone GB - and "MHZ" not GHZ.) No HDD or on-board storage of any kind other than its 64K of ROM. The OS, apps and files shared the use of a single 400 K mini-floppy disk. Two non-standard serial ports. The original keyboard lacked arrow and function keys, and had no numeric keypad, enraging some potential users. And it went to market with fewer native apps than the Xoom.

    And if you go back and look at MacWrite and MacPaint and compare them to where that "toy computer" and its apps are today (along with all the Windows computers which, uhhh, adopted its basic interface and input metaphor), and what it does.......

    ...i.e., all the types of tasks people here are saying can only be done on its current iterations, and "never" on the new toy...

    ...all the while (albeit with a hiatus in its middle years) remaining under the firm control of the same visionary leader someone here has labeled a "charlatan" and "aesthete"....

    ...and I've enjoyed watching it all happen while the naysayers have foamed at the mouth and gnashed their teeth at each and every new Apple release - even as Macs now hold an amazing 90% share of the premium (i.e., money-making part of) the PC market. Some toy.

    And lest some of you have forgotten, some program called... ...what was it, oh yeah, "Photoshop"... ...was originally released on this "hopeless" platform. (As were Pagemaker, Illustrator and QuarkExpress, e.g.)

    We're four years into iDevices and only ONE year into the iPad era. The New Yorker had a cover created on an original iPhone within months of its release. A somewhat major artist released a video on YouTube produced on an iPad 2 with iMovie and GarageBand within a day or two of its release.

    What will these device classes (and their successor innovations) be capable of in 3 years? 5? 10? 30?

    Perspective, people. Vision, hope, creativity, engineering, a willingness to jump off (calculated) new cliffs - and perspective.

    Some'a y'all oughta' go develop some.

    ugly cat pictures. UGLY cats! by Penny Edwardes
  • UGLY cats! by Penny Edwardes

  • Macdaddy1129
    Sep 4, 12:51 PM

    How do you make your dock just a black strip like you did?


    ugly cat pictures. cat. Ugly couch must DIE!
  • cat. Ugly couch must DIE!

  • lostngone
    Nov 20, 12:30 PM
    why would you write to him about this?

    do you wanna talk to steve that badly, or are you just mad because you bought yours somewhere else for a higher price?

    Well Duh....

    I would guess a little of both.

    Who WOULDN"T want to talk to Steve Jobs. My only problem is I wouldn't know what to say.

    ugly cat pictures. Italian Ugly cats, Rome, Italy
  • Italian Ugly cats, Rome, Italy

  • d4rkc4sm
    May 3, 03:02 AM
    The irony of a forum with a very large gay and bisexual membership to ask for blood donations is beyond ridiculous.

    Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.

    why mr has large gay/bi members?

    ugly cat pictures. Ugly Cat!
  • Ugly Cat!

  • btc33
    Apr 22, 10:41 PM
    I have a western digital external hard drive, and it recently stopped showing up on my desktop. However, it does show up on my disk utility, but it wont repair. Do I have to sacrifice everything on my hard drive?

    Apr 27, 08:02 PM
    ....because Apple says nothing and allows it to fester.

    Allow a non-issue to "fester" all you want. Bottom line is that it still doesn't turn it into anything beyond a non-issue

    Feb 22, 06:03 PM
    Is this supposed to be funny?

    Apr 13, 02:11 PM
    The screen may not change on the next revision. So there may be no need to change production.

    That's exactly what I was thinking. How would the touch screen manufacturers know which phone they're producing the screens for? If Foxconn was saying this, then that would be different since they're the ones assembling the phones.

    Dec 21, 04:45 PM
    Unfortunately, facts do not matter to these people, as most IT departments are clueless about TCO.

    Actually most IT managers/departments are very informed about TCO, which is why they don't shell out the money for hardware that is 2x as expensive, software that is 4x as expensive (due to miserable volume licensing plans for OS X), the cost of training support and logistics personnel to support Macs/OS X, and the amount of time it will take to retrain users to use the new hard/software.

    Ironically, most people who make statements such as yours either aren't in IT or have a very unrealistic view of the world.

    I would really like some good arguments to put to him regarding why mac's should be allowed on our company network and should form part of our IT systems.

    When you write your proposal, consider using proper English grammar. "Macs" as in "a number of computers made by Apple" does not, notice, have an apostrophe.

    The basic fact of the matter is that large, established Windows-based network infrastructures have no incentive at all to switch to Apple machines.

    Enterprise-support from the manufacturer (Apple)? HUGE fail.

    Seriously. This is what guarantees Dell's, HP's, and RIM's complete dominance of the enterprise market. Who would have guessed that when your central business functions depend on your hardware being "up" it doesn't cut it to have to bring a unit into an Apple Store?

    Aug 1, 05:48 AM
    Click for full size

    My friends are always are amazed how clean my desktop is. There obviously used to windows.