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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

peyton manning wallpaper

peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning wallpaper
  • peyton manning wallpaper

  • ILikeTurtles
    Mar 21, 07:36 AM

    Just to give a quick backstory; I spent years going back to school for design and at last I've finally acquired my degree. I now have a budding freelance business with a handful of small clients, all of whom are relatively civil, good natured and appreciative of my work.

    Recently a long distance client I really get along with referred me to someone. He hired me to do a logo for his marketing startup. He was pleased with the end result and asked me to take on a second project, designing a mockup for a website that he could then turn over to a developer. He set a time limit of 3 hours, because that's all he could afford. Everything was going fine till about 2 hours in. He liked the direction I was going in, so while I was waiting to hear back I did some small revisions (off the clock), just to satisfy my own design sensibilities. I sent them to him to see what he thought. He suddenly calls me saturday afternoon and from the get go, seems to have an attitude. He wants to go over all the revisions I sent him. So I scramble for my macbook. As I'm going through my folders in search of the files he starts getting flustered and belittling. I offer to call him back in an hour after I've gathered everything and before one of us says something we'll regret, but he wants to stay on the phone and takes an even more offensive tone. I'm a laid back guy, but I had enough and firmly reminded him that I was trying to design a site for him within a 3 hour limit and had been good enough to not bill him for all the phone time he insisted on and had even stopped the clock a couple of times. He then startled to backpedal and complimented me on my work and how fair my pricing was ($25.00 an hour). The conversation went on for about another half hour as in the aftermath we awkwardly discussed the project. I think I did a pretty good job of remaining diplomatic. I've now just about completed the project and now he's talking about having me design a business card:rolleyes: The whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. I know there can always be an element of stress with any type of work is, but that was a bit much.

    Sorry for the rant, but I felt like I needed to vent to fellow designers. Anyone else have any horror stories?:)

    My advice as a designer - CUT & RUN!

    There will be other clients to replace this a-hole.

    peyton manning wallpaper. But before we do that let#39;s
  • But before we do that let#39;s

  • neut
    Feb 15, 12:04 PM
    I haven't seen any ruffled feathers yet, except maybe on the free merchandise spammers.

    maybe those guys should start making banner ads if they want to get onto MacRumors with their free crap.

    peace | neut

    peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning wallpaper
  • peyton manning wallpaper

  • Queen of Spades
    Dec 2, 02:24 AM
    Where's the holiday spirit, everyone? :D


    peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning wallpaper.
  • peyton manning wallpaper.

  • espoo
    Dec 5, 02:49 PM
    mine for december:


    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning (Athlete)
  • Peyton Manning (Athlete)

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 4, 07:07 PM
    Ok, I'll go first. E.I. = torture, and where is the line to hook electrodes up to KSM's balls?

    Good. Let's keep the language clear an unencumbered with euphemism. Too bad nobody in any official capacity will do so - it is highly disturbing that our elected officials choose to lie about something that is obviously an open secret.

    Now, the fact of the matter is, torture is unconstitutional, and the US is a party to a UN treaty outlawing torture. So I don't understand how it can possibly be legal under any circumstances. We are in breach of our own constitutional principles as well as international law.

    Torture is wrong. I cannot support it as policy. As much as I recognize the need to gather intelligence from all sources including prisoners, I simply cannot speak out in favor of torture. It's not something that our society should value or accept, even against our enemies. Furthermore, it sets a bad example both internationally and at home.

    peyton manning wallpaper. Colts#39; Peyton Manning
  • Colts#39; Peyton Manning

  • Philalbe
    Mar 20, 11:22 AM
    Besides pricing yourself too low and underestimating the time needed to pull-off a project, I picked up on this (your quote).

    If you're going to be a professional graphic designer, it's time you got your filing/archiving system down. As you saw on that phone call, a little fumbling around and disorganization doesn't reflect wel and gives your nightmare clients the opportunity to belittle you. Don't give them that opportunity. Be organized.

    One final thing. Phone time is meeting time. Meeting time is billable. Especially when the phone calls are over 1/3 of your billable time.

    And good luck with the career. :)

    Hi. Thanks for the reply. I do have a pretty good archiving system. I have a folder untitled "freelance" and therein is a folder named after each client and then each project. The guy kind of threw me with the sudden weekend call. You're right about the phone time too. No more mister nice guy; there's no reason to cheat myself for billable meeting time when I'm already lowballing myself.:)


    peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning dektop
  • peyton manning dektop

  • asdfghjkl123456
    Mar 11, 10:46 PM
    Oh, thanks.

    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning iPhone
  • Peyton Manning iPhone

  • peapody
    Jun 28, 04:12 PM
    I have a minty black I could let go of for $120 shipped US. It freezes occasionally, but is okay after you do a hard reset. Comes with agent18 eco case.


    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning Picture, Peyton
  • Peyton Manning Picture, Peyton

  • dolphino2
    May 27, 04:01 PM
    tempted...just trying to hedge my bets whether it'll be easier getting one at the trafford centre amongst the crazy people queuing up from 2am ish...knowing theyre gonna have a few hundred in stock...or whether to goto preston, where they have very little stock for tomorrow!

    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning
  • Peyton Manning

  • Blakeasd
    Apr 4, 06:07 PM
    Is it possible to run Android on a 3rd generation ipod touch, if so, how?


    peyton manning wallpaper. Download this Peyton Manning
  • Download this Peyton Manning

  • jsw
    Feb 14, 01:51 PM
    That's probably true, but I can hardly delete it, then he'd report me for silencing my own critics :eek: :p
    Maybe you could delegate some authority to Demis or Contributors for doing your dirty work, then we temporary iMods could do your bidding without your hands getting dirty. To ensure that none of us became too power hungry, you could randomly rotate through a list of candidates using a technique called the the iMod Shuffle.

    peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning myspace
  • peyton manning myspace

  • nobunaga209
    Dec 25, 08:54 PM
    From my girlfriend :)
    Got that for my lady.

    I got a "gee-tar" from the misses and new grill from the in-laws.


    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning Psp Wallpaper
  • Peyton Manning Psp Wallpaper

  • Eric-PTEK
    Dec 26, 03:14 PM
    Everyone who has said something against Mac's in a business environment is right.

    Everyone who has harped on downtime for PC's is wrong.

    I often wonder where this mystical downtime associated with PC's is?

    Sure PC's can get viruses, and yes, viruses can cause downtime. If downtime is that important, get a IPS.

    If downtime is so important buy a better warranty. I sell Lenovo's as a standard business desktop, $549 w/ a 3 year NBD on site warranty, can't wait NBD, tack on another $90 for a 4 hour response warranty.

    If up time is important than you do things to mitigate that downtime, and I don't care if you add up every single thing out there to mitigate that risk you won't come close to the cost of implementing Mac hardware.

    And that's not even getting into software compatability, backup, service, and all the other things mentioned here.

    I have never, EVER, had a user call me due to downtime on a virus or anything else where we had put in a proper security system. User security, IPS, network security, etc.

    I rarely even have my customers use their warranties, even though we sell them with each machine. I've had one bad PS in a HP Server in the past 2 years and that was a installation error. The customer had a new phone system installed and for some reason the installer decided to move their server connection to the phone system's UPS, which is not capable of protecting the server.

    I sell uptime and business continuity and Mac's don't offer it. It's also obvious Apple wants no part of it by getting rid of the Xserve's, but even before that their absolutely INSANE 30K or whatever it was for 1 year of on site warranty was ridiculous.

    Still, even if they fixed all that, SharePoint is an app killer for Mac's, without ActiveX its useless to most business customers.

    Specifically mention how video resources can easily be composed with OSX Server's Podcast Producer and served to mac's iPhones/iPad.

    Another aspect ... no NEED to purchase different PDF volume licenses for Adobe Pro/Standard 9/10 for simple editing [I'm unsure if Preview can edit Tables/create them].

    MS Office is now properly available for OSX and is up to par with 2010 for Windows: including ability to import, edit and add-on to PST files. This will be an important mention.

    * Key point. Mention a server based email anti-virus license solution - for outbound emails, or FTP/Sharepoint sites that have files uploaded to Windows users that your company/employees communicate with.

    * MS Office Communicator [OCS] is now available and COMPLETELY compatible for Mac - part of Office 2011 as I'm ALREADY doing this without need for a VPN connection [using OWA settings] with corporation contacts in OCS.

    * more standardized ordering of hardware makes support MUCH MUCH easier. Having a high level apple certification for both hardware/server - makes your argument THAT MUCH more sound and heard in a more official and presentable voice.

    * Mention how Open Directory supports Active Directory infrastructure - again certification and a direct line of specific Apple support in this respect WILL be crucial and helpful.

    Wrong. We're a SharePoint Developer, yes if you want a pretty calendar for all to see Safari cuts it, beyond that its not even close.

    Sharepoint Workspace does 10 times as much as the Mac SharePoint app. The Mac SharePoint app is there to make up for the lack of some ActiveX connectivity but you cannot sync entire projects offline.

    What good is open directory? I can manage every single thing on every single Windows box, can't do that with a Mac.

    You have 100 PC's and you want to publish a new SharePoint list to Outlook for every user.

    How do you do it without Active Directory and group policies...well first, SharePoint lists don't work in Outlook for the Mac so guess you'd stop there.

    All your doing is wasting your companies time, effort, and money, trying to shoe horn something in there that should not be just because.

    You want standard hardware, fine, go pick a spec and buy it. Who exactly from Apple is going to come out and fix the computer, no one. Yet you can get same day on site service from IBM, Lenovo, and Dell, cheap.

    Mac's in a business environment make no logical sense, it is an emotional decision because when put down on paper and looked at from a TCO/ROI aspect they will always come out on the losing end.

    I could go on and on, but this is a productivity issue: I am not as productive on Windows as I am on a Mac. Microsoft has been in disarray for years and it shows. Why on Server 2008 does the utility "Server Management" and "Manage Server" point to 2 totally different applications? Sounds like someone is shipping off projects to India and not paying attention.

    Now before I get accused of MS bashing, I will point out that MS makes excellent front-end applications such as Office. This is where the company shines (Access is really great product). They just make crappy operating systems and servers.

    Windows Server 2008 does not have a Manage Server option, and in fact its Manage My Server. SBS has that, but not server 2008.

    Crappy servers? Really, find me anyone, anyone, who is a system admin, who complains about MS's server operating systems?

    They are rock solid. I've never had a single server crash, not a one. They run, night and day, without problems.

    If you think servers are for sharing data then it shows how little people know about the true reason you put in a server. You manage entire networks with them.

    1. I have had to fix the registry twice after installing Opera -if you install that into Windows 7 the system starts generating security errors and warnings, and you can no longer open hyperlinks in Outlook. This is Microsoft preventing you from installing 3rd party browsers into Windows 7 -I don't have these issues on my Mac (I run 3 browsers there)

    Really, then why not do it all via GPO and be done with it? It has nothing to do with MS stopping you from installing browsers. I'd question the common sense of installing some 3rd party little known browser in a business environment.

    The fact your using the windows installer to push out an app in a business environment with AD available to you is a problem in itself. If you need to install software and then push out REG patches it can all be done via GPO in 1 step.

    I look after 250+ macs across 8 advertising companies across 3 countries.


    All very true. I would guess however that your industry is more Mac centric and your setup while most likely robust was not something that was put together in a day.

    The value of running a Mac for business reasons outweighs the extra cost of managing your system. The integration software is not cheap, I'd suspect you make a good bit more than a standard system admin, and if you don't, you should because of the stuff your running.

    I'm sure your system works well, but I'd also guess your system cost quite a bit more to implement than something all Windows based.

    Your company did it for a business reason, not just because, which is what a lot of these answers are here, lets just run Mac's because.

    If Mac's made more business sense to a customer I'd be all over it, value is what you need to provide. I had a customer, 9 Mac's, 2 PC's, once we sat down and looked at what it cost to do it the right way, like your doing it, out went the Mac's. There was no specific reason for them to stay on Mac's.

    As far as the comment on the Enterprise vs the smaller business. We implement Enterprise quality systems in small businesses. That is our business model. It is not expensive at all, at least today. I doubt we could do what we do today for the cost 5-6 years ago.

    MS is not stupid, they are creating a lot of solid smaller business apps that are cost effective.

    peyton manning wallpaper. The largest and best resource for peyton manning Desktop Wallpapers Peyton Manning Wallpaper amp; Screen Savers.
  • The largest and best resource for peyton manning Desktop Wallpapers Peyton Manning Wallpaper amp; Screen Savers.

  • diotav
    Oct 11, 09:41 AM
    Here's mine
    Where can I find this wallpaper? :)


    peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning, still going; Peyton Manning, still going. NT1440. May 1, 10:57 PM. you do that :rolleyes:  your textbook on
  • peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning, still going; Peyton Manning, still going. NT1440. May 1, 10:57 PM. you do that :rolleyes: your textbook on

  • CrAkD
    Apr 30, 04:28 PM
    Anyone get one of these working yet?

    peyton manning wallpaper. peyton manning colts helmet by
  • peyton manning colts helmet by

  • Patricia0709
    May 1, 09:32 PM
    So I got my Photoshop on Mac last year and somehow, I think I accidentally pressed something. I used to have a transparent background whenever I use it so I can see the desktop but now it's all gray and boring. How do I turn it back? I have the Translucent option checked btw. Thanks for any help that will come.


    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning Indianapolis v
  • Peyton Manning Indianapolis v

  • purduepick
    Apr 6, 12:09 PM
    Lets hope they fix the OSX Server SMTP issue as well. We had to move everyone off of outlook for Mac because it would no longer connect for the SMTP side of our OSX server. Could receive email no problem but would not send. Move to OSX Mail and no issue. Outlook on PC no issue. Very odd problem and could not solve it.

    peyton manning wallpaper. Peyton Manning
  • Peyton Manning

  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 21, 12:37 AM
    I got a chance to shoot a BMW Z4. I'm having a hard time editing the photos as the black just looks "crushed"? I'm not sure how to explain what I'm trying to say but I critique my photos a lot so basically I think this photo sucks but the owner thinks its good.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5309/5639934972_9ba14098c1.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5639934972/)

    What do you guys think?

    peyton manning wallpaper. when peyton manning the
  • when peyton manning the

  • alent1234
    Mar 25, 03:02 PM
    As an Android and iOS user, I'm asking you to please put the crack pipe down. While I preferred WebOS notifications over both, Android notification implementation is head and shoulders above iOS. Don't get me wrong though. I love the sms popup box in Handcent on Android, but I can also respond instantly to the text within the box, never having to go into the app. I can also swipe through multiple messages from multiple people within that popup box, responding to each. iOS notifications simply serve to bring to a halt whatever you are doing, then forces you to locate and open various different apps to tend to those notifications.

    with iOS push messages i always see the latest scores from ESPN or the latest deal from groupon. with android there is so much crap when you swipe that half the time i say clear and don't even read it and miss the news i want to track.

    but then i don't obsess over my phone like some people. i bought an inspire because it was cheap and does what my old 3GS did. a little more and a little less in some areas

    the wifi pop ups might be annoying on iOS but so is on android when it's in such small size that i don't see it most times

    Apr 30, 04:28 PM
    Anyone get one of these working yet?

    Doctor Q
    Aug 19, 12:53 PM
    I wonder what the equivalent weight would be for these (http://www.badfads.com/pages/collectibles/8track.html)! :)

    Apr 28, 07:39 PM
    this should teach apple a lesson

    Apr 13, 12:18 PM
    My dream car is a 350z in which I would modify, painted all black:


    But then today I paid an innocent visit to Binders over here in Atlanta, GA.... and.. well...


    No one ones the amount of d*** I would suck, or people I would kill, to get behind the wheel of an GT-R35....

    If only... If only...

    Feb 4, 05:30 PM
    Mike do you know of a site I could upload the file?

    Just upload it as an attachment. Click Reply, go to Additional Options and then Attach Files, and then click Manage Attachments. A small window will pop up. Click Browse, and find your pic. Upload it, Submit Reply and you're done.

    Nice pic, btw.