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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

rafael nadal armani underwear ad

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  • Hook'Em2006
    Feb 8, 07:42 PM
    My February desktop

    How do I get the cool weather widgets like that?
    New to Apple Computers! On my first one now and wanna do a little bit of customizing it! I just bought it Saturday!

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  • Megan Fox Armani Underwear ad

  • danny_w
    Dec 27, 10:24 AM
    New sport coat:

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  • Men#39;s underwear. rafeal

  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 13, 11:52 PM
    I don't mind. More time to enjoy the 4 :)


    i have spent way too much ��� on apple this year

    dangerous addiction (is apple)

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  • Rafael Nadal Armani Underwear

  • Resist
    Apr 26, 10:16 PM
    The movie was nice, that app is an interesting concept.


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  • Sydde
    May 5, 07:10 PM
    Japan was the one who attacked first, without any real reason behind.
    Fine way to shoot a big hole in your credibility. Learn a little about the lead up to the war before making uninformed assertions like this.

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  • Rafael Nadal Armani Underwear

  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 03:11 PM
    But what if torturing a person who is involved in the plans of a terrorist attack could prevent thousands of deaths?

    Torturing would never be a good action, but it is like killing someone to defend yourself, killing is bad, but the result of killing saved your life.

    In the case of torture, it is the government defending its people (country). If it can be avoided better, but I would rather authorize torture instead of letting attacks happen.

    EDIT: As with everything, every single case needs to be analyzed separately.

    The type of country which is willing to torture people will always inspire more violence against them. You might save 100 lives today and lose 10,000 lives the next year because of that behavior.

    The ends don't justify the means torture is wrong period.

    Would you support forcible medical testing on people if that forcible testing might save hundreds of thousands of lives in the future?


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  • rafael nadal armani underwear

  • poblack
    Jun 18, 09:31 PM
    Me and a few friends are waiting out at the Lenox mall Apple store. Anybody going?


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  • Rafael Nadal star in new

  • ezekielrage_99
    Mar 21, 06:06 PM
    8) Other artists. They always have pre-defined notions are are rarely up for up for interpretation
    9) Design by committee. When there is more then 2 or 3 people approving your design, RUN.

    Ahhh yes.. I forgot about those two chestnuts :)

    Marketing departments also seem to have the same affect on me as other artists, they have an idea and generally wont let it go... They seem to pop in awesome critiques like:
    make it more webbish
    We are looking for a great design, it will bring much honor and prosperity to our beloved company. (yes from a non English speaking client)

    While design committee = death by firing squad


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  • rafael nadal armani underwear. Rafael Nadal Armani Undies Ad

  • nathanschafer
    Apr 23, 05:10 AM

    I have noticed my iphone 4 gets hot after recording for more than 2 mins, and it also heats up when taking pictures. However, it only heats up towards the right of the front speaker (it heats up on the front top right corner) on the phone. It heats up on the front, where the camera is situated directly beneath it. It is not unbearably hot. Anyone else have this problem? Is this normal?

    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. Rafael Nadal Armani Underwear
  • Rafael Nadal Armani Underwear

  • Small White Car
    Nov 29, 12:34 PM
    Practically speaking...

    If they limit the number of iPods you can transfer the movies onto, how are they going to differentiate between an additional iPod and one you replaced for a newer one? What I mean is, if they would only allow for a transfer to 5 iPods, and let's say you have 5 and one breaks, or eventually you replace them all for newly released ones, how will they be able to differentiate that from an "additional 6th iPod"?

    They entire scheme is flawed. Practically speaking.


    Uh, maybe they'd do it the same way they enforce the "5 computers" rule? You would authorize your 5 iPods and if one breaks you would tell iTunes to forget about all iPods and then re-link your current 5 iPods to the system.

    I think they SHOULD do this but it should be a high number like 15 or 20 iPods. A user would NEVER run into that limit but it would prevent someone from buying a movie and selling it to hundreds of people for a few bucks each and copying it onto their iPods.

    A number like that would stop the big-time offenders without the average consumer ever noticing.

    (Based on this theory, the current "5-computer" rule is a bit too tight. It really should be 10 computers.)

    EDIT: I also thought of something Apple could steal from the Zune. The "iPod movie limit" COULD be limited to 5 iPods if thre was a "share" feature that worked like the Zune's wireless sharing. That is, it's encrypted to expire in 3 days. So, I could authorize 5 of my own iPods to always have the movie but I could ALSO choose to put it on my friend's iPod but his would only work for 3 days. Then, just like the Zune it would ask him if he wants to buy it.

    This would be the equivilant of "loaning a DVD." It works out as free advertising in the end...SOME of those friends will end up buying the movie.

    The key to making it work is to make this "sharing" feature an OPTIONAL addition to the way I copy my movies around from my own iPods. The experiation feature would only come into play when I copy films PAST my 5-iPod limit, so it would never affect me personally.


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  • Franktv415
    Jun 23, 01:25 PM
    Anyone there Waiting in Line????

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  • in New Armani Underwear Ad

  • gkarris
    Apr 8, 12:39 PM
    check out this resurection of the commodore 64 http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx


    Looks like one of those Nettop boards inside a C64 chassis and an emulator...


    How about an Atari 400?


    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. Rafael Nadal#39;s New Armani
  • Rafael Nadal#39;s New Armani

  • spyderracer393
    Oct 31, 04:58 PM
    Yeah, the whole 2G = 2nd Generation thing is getting old. Most people with any sense can discern 2G from 2GB, but that's assuming that most people have any sense, which sadly isn't the case.
    (I don't get it; when people say they have a 120 Gigabyte Hard Drive in their computer, they always say "120GB," not "120G." So why get confused at "2G iPod?" It's simply confounding!)

    Even with clarification, people still foul it up. I concur with recommending to referring to it as the G2 Shuffle, or even "new iPod shuffle" as Apple refers to it on their site.

    I'd recommend naming it "clippy" but well... that would just start a whole new debacle!

    Anyway, even though I already have a 5G iPod (err... that's 5th Generation, or G5, or iPod Video) I might pick up one of these clippy ones. I could take it places where I fear to carry my larger & more expensive iPod. It would also make a great gift!

    The iPods have always been referred to as 1st generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation, hence 1g, 2g, 3g...and so on.

    If you want to call the iPod by its "name" then the:
    5G/5th generation would be called the "iPod with video capability."
    4G/4th gen iPod would be called the iPod with clickwheel
    3G/3rd gen iPod would be called the iPod with dock connector
    2G/2nd gen iPod would be called the iPod with touch wheel (correct me if I'm wrong)
    1G/1st gen iPod would be called the iPod with scroll wheel

    In other words, the iPods are named by their number, than the word "generation"

    Folks...please undertand that if it has GB it is an abbreviation for gigabyte, MB is for megabyte, KB is kilobyte, and G is generation


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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Apr 23, 09:44 AM
    Where is the noise coming from?


    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. rafael nadal armani underwear
  • rafael nadal armani underwear

  • BigRed39
    Mar 14, 10:31 AM
    As of Monday morning: Menlo Park Mall Apple store = zero. Bridgewater Commons Apple store = zero. Best Buy in East Brunswick = got a new shipment of 32 Gb wi-fi blacks. Plenty left as of 11 AM.

    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. rafael nadal armani underwear
  • rafael nadal armani underwear

  • swiftaw
    Apr 16, 06:32 PM
    google connect360


    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. Rafael Nadal Armani
  • Rafael Nadal Armani

  • Chase R
    Dec 1, 02:27 AM
    As per before, ground rules apply.

    Monthly Desktops Guidelines:
    • For large images use [tIMG] rather than [IMG]
    • Use attachments when necessary so images don't disappear when they are removed from their source
    • When possible, include links to the full-sized original so others can download them. If you don't want to share, state that in your posts so others don't continue to ask for links.
    • When quoting a post with images, leave the image out, or make sure you [tIMG] to reduce clutter.

    Previous Iterations: November (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1041375) - October (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1023594) - September (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1005154&highlight=september+desktops) - August (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=981540&highlight=august+desktops)





    Yes, I am a pirate. 

    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. Rafael Nadal Emporio Armani
  • Rafael Nadal Emporio Armani

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 24, 02:52 PM
    Actually, I am surprised you didn't make reference to the Jenson FF, that's what Ferrari actually copied. ;) :eek: :p

    A neighbor of mine owned a Jenson Interceptor years ago when I was just a little shaver. It was an ugly mustard color but I didn't care. That and my dad's '69 TVR were my two favorite cars as a kid (I'm STILL annoyed that he sold the TVR before I even hit my teens; I would have loved to have driven it at least once).

    It's difficult to make the 4 door format work for a sports car isn't it, when you think that every significant dimensional requirement is against them, physical size of the engine, location of the engine, low height, width etc, Porsche failed miserably, Aston certainly did a reasonable job with the Rapide, but even then I'd suggest that it looks overly elongated, lacks shape in the profile and with a design language that dates back to 1994, looks a little too familiar, to the point of it being bland.

    I agree about the Rapide, it looks "stretched" and the Aston Martin look, while beautiful, has become a little corporate. Very few four door sports cars are really a success from a stylistic perspective. If you want four doors you're generally best off with a sports sedan - but sports sedans are usually sleepers, not lithe and muscular looking things. The old Lotus Carlton or the current M5 may be a great drive, but it's not going to raise the pulse the way a DB9 or Alfa 8C Competizione does.

    random guess with diesel and vw is: 2000 bucks for the same fittings.. the big reason why VW wont introduce a bigger/cheaper passat in europe is that there is no need with their absurd fleet/business car sales(just like BMW) and their ability to really upsell to the bigger margin Audi or the lower margin Seat and Skoda
    the passat, just like top range bmws/audis/mercs are between up to 70-80% business cars around here and the skoda superb thanks to legroom rules taxi sales
    even my father got a TDI Passat handed to him which despite being the smallest engine still did cost nearly 40.000k euro

    Wow. 40k Euros for a diesel Passat? You could get a diesel Merc, BMW or Audi for that kind of money here (though only just).

    i can already imagine clarkson circling the top gear test track with ikea packages and a potted plant sticking out of the open hatch, complete with going through corners sideways ;)

    Yes, the show is a bit predictable these days, I think you may have guessed it.

    on a more general note Fiat and it's subsidaries seem to be quite on a roll design wise... the last few years i have nearly liked all recent released cars from Fiat,Ferrari and Alfa looks wise compared to the more "hit and miss" or "bland boring playing it safe" of other (euro) car makers

    I think the Alfa MiTo is rather ugly, but overall Fiat/Ferrari/Alfa seem to be doing alright.

    In the $25K sedan segment, I would consider the Ford Fusion first. At $40K, the Infinity G37 and BMW 3 series win.

    It depends on the model Passat one is shopping for, but the new Taurus is actually a serious competitor now since it has moved upmarket and offers a very nice V6 and AWD.

    However, people looking for a diesel really have no other option apart from VW unless a 40k German luxury car is considered.

    rafael nadal armani underwear ad. Rafael Nadal for Armani
  • Rafael Nadal for Armani

  • abc123
    Nov 4, 04:42 AM
    i love these threads, i always find so many useful things.
    aps that i use everyday are:
    sidetrack: i don't know what i'd do without it. i hear that next revision we will start having to pay for it though.
    adium: the only way i've managed to get both aim and msn file transfers to work + it looks amazing
    menu calendar: i believe that while it is not free for full features you can still use the basic ones without paying. i've somehow managed to anyway. i really like having the date number in my menubar.
    clear dock: not really needed but i like it
    quicksilver: i can imagine not having this program, it makes life so much easier.
    bytecontroller: control itunes from your menubar
    gcount: gmail notifier
    firefox: i find that it is faster than safari and i've just generally taken a liking to it.

    i think that is about it on the free stuff

    Apr 25, 01:59 AM
    why even bother coming out with a white iphone for this year? Does anyone really care anymore?

    Well, I think this is the best proof that we could get that there won't be a radically designed iPhone 5 this year, but an iPhone 4GS or something like that. It just doesn't seem logical that Apple would invest time and money in the production of a cellphone type that will be obsolete in less than 5 months.

    Imagine the outrage when all these people buy white iPhones now, and three months later a new model is introduced (with a white option too).

    May 5, 06:07 AM
    Duno about that, all i know is with a tethered jb its possible to have cydia and jb apps greyed out.

    Not sure what would happen to grey out a native app.

    If it happens again look around in settings and see if something is up with the phone or baseband section?

    Feb 16, 08:34 AM
    uploading is sooooo slow...

    Apr 4, 08:37 PM
    They will. Most likely - free DROID :pAs funny as that is your probably right. So sad :(

    Oct 6, 12:14 AM
    Resizable textarea's have been implemented in WebKit nightlies for a few months now but were turned off by default at some point.

    For this to be included in a front page news item when its been publicly available for months is ludicrous.