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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

kangna ranaut wallpapers

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  • Umbongo
    Apr 21, 01:26 PM
    There is certainly no official support for it and I've never seen it attempted, but maybe it would work.

    You would still only be able to use 4 memory slots if that was why you were thinking of it being something worth doing. So the only benefit is in a financial one if you were upgrading.

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  • Picasa Web Albums - Manoj

  • nevir
    Oct 5, 11:57 PM
    woah mama. Is that video legit?!! what was that iPod-like thing at the end!

    nah, pretty sure that last part is doctored - fun though :p

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  • SuperJudge
    Sep 9, 05:41 PM
    Eagerly awaiting New Vegas!


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  • Moyank24
    Feb 9, 12:10 PM
    This feature is long overdue, but better late than never I guess.

    I think I can get used to this competition thing! Now I will wait patiently for my mobile hotspot.


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  • jrko
    Apr 7, 03:02 AM
    ok. its now running from a 320Gb sata drive!

    I left carbon copy cloner running all night to make the bootable copy.

    I was a little bit worried about leaving all night as I could not watch the temps. I guess I'm just a bit worried I may have screwed up the thermal paste. But no, it survived showing 52deg when I checked this morning.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 13, 09:26 PM
    Just changed mine to this :)



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  • admanimal
    May 4, 09:30 AM
    On my iMac, I have 2 internal hard-drives. I want to get time capsule but I only want it to sync ONE of those drives. Is that possible?

    Yes, you can exclude drives from Time Machine backups (this has nothing to do with Time Capsules in particular).

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  • Kangana Ranaut Wallpapers

  • Tonyfsu21
    Jun 22, 05:11 PM
    Anyone gone to Galleria for launch day? Where does the line begin to form? I'm sure FLPD will kick anyone off the property attempting to camp out or arrive too soon. I'm planning on arriving @ 6:00 am on Thurs


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  • Honza
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    Here are my reasons, so all you invective commenters can hold your horses. In my case, say you were waiting for an iPhone 5, and the rumors are (from numerous credible sources) that it's going to be delayed until Fall. Ok, big deal, it's just a few more months. But then, say that the rumors also say that it's just going to be an iPhone 3GS type of an update, same form factor, etc. No 4G, no bigger screen, blah blah blah. For me, I want the next "major" upgrade, with the most important feature being 4G. Why would anyone choose to wait to get locked into a contract with such a phone? Why not just get the iP4 now, and have your contract up when the iP6 comes out? Now, in addition, at the time all these rumors come out, you see a lot of evidence that the white iP4 is coming out in less than two weeks. You like the color white, so voila, it makes sense.

    Contrary to popular belief, most people have rational reasons for doing the things they do.

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  • iMeowbot
    Aug 16, 06:59 AM
    Say hello to the lickable iToad.


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  • Slurpy2k8
    Mar 23, 11:09 AM
    First Jobs on an official vacation, jony seems to be rumored to be leaving for London, and now Serlet's gone. Man! must be something is wrong here...success getting into Apple's nerves? :confused:

    3 unrelated events, followed by a stupid conclusion. Also..

    1. Jobs has cancer, if you haven't noticed. He's on on 'vacation'. It's a health leave.
    2. Ive isn't moving to London. The rumor has been discredited.
    3. People get replaced all the time. No reason to think it's a bad thing. Lion looks awesome.

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  • Kangana Ranaut Wallpapers

  • dukebound85
    Apr 6, 01:22 PM

    Or, to look at it another way, that's enough storage to give 50G to just under 15 million users. Whee! :D

    I think it is more about 1 gig for about 12 million people no?


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  • notromeel
    Mar 31, 11:00 AM
    As a Graphic Designer, when the iPad was announced, this was the first thing I wanted to see. But after experiencing the iPad for over a year, along with a desktop, I don't think this way of working with Photoshop will prove to be beneficial. Lightroom, probably more so.

    Just keep it as a Photoshop Express and push the photo adjustment features. Messing with layers, blending modes and brushes I think should remain as features for a desktop for designing.

    Lastly, this demo reminds me of JuxtaPoser, a quick two layer masking app.

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  • ziggyonice
    Apr 30, 07:20 PM
    Castle... I wonder if that name has any significance?

    A stronghold for your stuff?
    Heavily protected/guarded??
    A free moat with every purchase???


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  • Kangna Ranaut, Biography

  • rnizlek
    Feb 10, 12:04 PM
    UGH. Been getting this damn error for the past couple of hours:

    F932: We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are conducting maintenance which prevents us from updating your account information. Please retry your transaction again in one hour.

    I was having the same issue. I finally called AT&T, after 20 minutes of trying to add the feature to my account the rep told me he'd call me back after looking into it some more. About 15 minutes later he called back and said it still wasn't working and that he and others would need to do some extended research into the matter and that he would call me back when they were done. That was several hours ago.

    I have the 450 minute plan for $39.99 and the 2 GB Data Pro with 1000 messages at the moment. I also get a FAN discount, but I doubt that would be screwing things up.

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  • Kangana Ranaut Hot Photos

  • iApples
    Mar 28, 01:40 AM
    I'm not talking getting hurt either ... maybe $500 dollars damage to your car would be a fair price to pay for your foolish lane change? ... fair enough karma for wishing that on the buyer?

    And now please state where I wished the buyer would lose his money?

    I said he deserves to lose his money, I never said I hope he does. There is a difference. We all know PayPal would never let something like this go through, and it would never hold up in court. It is a scam. But if you're not willing to even read the description of a product that you are purchasing online, then I really have no pity. When you go to a store you can physically see and feel the product. When you're buying something online, you look at the picture and then read the description to see exactly what it's about and if it's really what it says it is. In this case he looked at the picture and then placed a $450 bid...


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  • Reach9
    Mar 26, 11:55 AM
    iOS improved so quick compared to other OS

    That was a funny joke.

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  • Kangna Ranaut Wallpapers

  • Tadros86
    Apr 13, 09:36 AM
    There honestly is no need to update the iPhone line EVERY year at this point. iPhone 4 was the biggest jump and I don't see a reason to jump again so soon, especially after Verizon customers JUST recived access to the phone. I can understand updating the models to include 4G, but at this point 4G IMHO is not needed. It's not a mature enough standard to expect iPhone owners to have smooth service with Verizon and AT&Ts 4G networks. I see them both being great next year, but it'd be a forced move on Apples part to update so soon.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 27, 04:42 PM
    maybe because, often, it's not even an issue ... until the media makes it an issue.


    ....because Apple says nothing and allows it to fester.

    Apr 5, 03:27 AM
    The 4 port came with 5.1.3 but i had to flash the 2 port cart and load up 5.1.3

    Thank you so much for your help zen.state and all

    Much to my shame I forgot to order power supply wiring for my HD's!! :rolleyes:

    Will have to order some once I get some funds through....

    Sep 9, 05:52 PM
    i just noticed this, and maybe it has already been addressed, but instead of Quote it now says Reply ? OR am i just going crazy?


    Apr 29, 09:23 AM
    i came up with this yesterday

    Jaffa Cake
    Dec 24, 11:01 AM
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a new pair of front teeth and a Dukla Prague away shirt. They're all I want for Christmas. :)

    Nov 20, 06:37 AM
    Doubtful since their warranty does not transfer to a second hand buyer. If I were to buy an iPod and then sell it on ebay a few weeks later the new owner would not be covered.

    Hmm, Well If I want to try out an item and then resell it later I ask the retailer for a gift receipt which doesn't list a name, but just a price & Date of Purchase. Then when I sell it I just include the gift receipt to the buyer and the warranty is good for them also.