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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

love poems for lovers

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  • RED�
    Oct 9, 03:02 PM
    I'll be buying it too!

    Downloading... yay! :D

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  • army91c
    Jun 20, 08:35 AM
    I'll be picking up my i-4 here (even though I live in Co., visiting family). Any other Altamonte, Apopka people here?

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  • Love poems supplement the

  • masterjedi73
    Apr 14, 11:16 AM
    Coconut Battery says it has a full charge (5020 or something), but the battery only lasts around 3-4 hours. Is this typical? It's got around 950 cycles.

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  • AndrewR23
    Mar 27, 02:25 PM
    Not once in the description does it say that is the picture you are getting. eBay allows the use of stock photos (which in most cases look nothing like what is actually being sold) for sellers to describe their item, obviously you are too remedial to realize that obvious fact as well. I have done this multiple times, all of which ended in success. eBay auctions are legally binding contracts with the description as the stipulations. I suggest you take a basic course in law or political philosophy and maybe you won't sound like such a jackass when you get proved wrong.

    So one more question for you, if you are so sure I will lose, why don't you just buy it to prove a point to me? Don't you want me to lose money shipping it to you to make me learn a lesson? Don't you want to be able to leave negative feedback on my account at no cost to you (since you're sure you will get a refund and eBay will side with you)? Seems like a pretty good opportunity for you chap. Good luck. :)

    I'm smarter than you in every way, just let it go kiddo. ;)

    Heres what he said back to me when i messaged him.


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  • birthday poems for lovers.

  • Alaerian
    Apr 4, 02:19 AM
    No. You'll be fine. Go ahead and upgrade.

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  • kalsta
    May 1, 06:33 AM
    What's with all the names changes?

    iTools -> .Mac -> MobileMe -> iCloud

    It's not the name that's hindering Apple's online efforts, it's the pricing, features and reliability.


    Apple will come to its senses and launch this as a free service. If not in this iteration, perhaps the next. :)


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  • happy birthday my love poems

  • CS5679
    Feb 21, 08:33 AM
    Anybody know where I can find some logic studio/mainstage tutorials?

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  • yellow
    Oct 4, 09:58 AM
    It was set to spellcheck all outgoing messages automatically, but lost the location of its dictionary. How do you think Notes would handle that? Just inform the user, "I can't spellcheck, but would you like me send out the message anyway?", right? Wrong! It wouldn't let the user send any mail at all, until I remoted in and disabled the spellcheck entirely. When I was back on site today, I had to reinstall Notes on her machine to fix it.

    I've run into this one a few times.. very annoying..


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  • scotty96LSC
    Dec 3, 07:53 PM
    Link (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.youwall.com/papel/sexy_christmas_girl_wallpaper_29b13.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.youwall.com/index.php%3Fver%3DMjg3Ng%3D%3D&usg=__NPTg8-cSA8miURIgHSuptg5HwCQ=&h=1200&w=1920&sz=330&hl=en&start=159&sig2=IM6Er8u0qRQJEJ85utnbTA&zoom=1&tbnid=yJNITrgYEncrsM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=191&ei=_J35TIPPE4G78gaCzNSdCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsexy%2Bwallpapers%2Bfor%2Bchristmas%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%2 6rls%3Den%26biw%3D1405%26bih%3D655%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C4042&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1090&vpy=221&dur=414&hovh=137&hovw=219&tx=209&ty=93&oei=v535TIbUPMKAlAf1q42pBw&esq=14&page=8&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:159&biw=1405&bih=655)

    love poems for lovers. birthday poems for lovers.
  • birthday poems for lovers.

  • adk
    Dec 28, 06:51 PM
    I'm trying to change my Idisk Icon, but I can't find it in candybar under volumes or applications. Any Ideas? I'm on a trial version of .mac right now if that helps.


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  • good morning poems for lovers.

  • Dr. Dastardly
    Sep 24, 06:50 PM
    At this point I would tell him to just be safe and promise to use a condom.

    You may not be happy with it but in the end he is going to go through with it anyway. Just telling him to be safe is the best you can do at this point.

    If she was sleeping at your place I would to what my parents told us when I was living there. They said you can sleep together but please try not to have sex. Even though they both knew we were sexually active. We still did every once in a while but seldom and kept it very low key as to "not get caught".

    Later when I was older I asked them about it and told them we did (this is years later and my parents are really cool). They told me the figured we would anyway. They just said it so that we wouldn't make it obvious. I believe their words contained the phrase "ignorance is bliss".

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  • bmwhd
    Apr 26, 10:11 AM
    Hmm, that would be interesting. Let's see what iFixit will say about that.

    Agreed. All I can say is it looked like the one pictured on the front page here - no grid.


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  • rafer11
    Mar 28, 08:48 PM
    What property do I want to change to have the files saved by my application have a specific file extension? All the search words I'm using to search google are much to common like 'associate file extension type in xcode plist"

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  • valentine poems for lovers.

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 20, 04:40 PM
    Android will be on more things by the end of the year. iOS is restricted to apple products. But we are already seeing the creativity that people are using android for. Being that it is open source and easy to modify and write on we have many things. Android now powers eReaders, TVs, Video games, and even a microwave


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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Feb 14, 09:23 PM
    wow that is tempting! i'm tellin ya, if you can afford it, gotta get that EVGA SR-2!

    Don't you need the equivalent Xeon processors for the SR2?

    Yeah that would go so beautifully in my Lian Li case :cool: I'd spend $200 if I can fine one for that price.

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  • good morning poems for lovers.

  • jrko
    Mar 31, 07:27 AM
    MX-2 Thermal Compound done!

    Just watching the temps on iStat. How sad am I?


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  • 100Years
    May 3, 07:58 AM
    Anyone here able to get this card working with Lion?

    I'm running Lion DP2 (with all current updates), and I can't get it working in my 2010 Mac Pro -- nothing I plug in, is being recognized.

    Interestingly though, if I go into the 'PCI' section of the system profiler, the card show up properly (even showing that the driver is installed).

    I figure the problem is driver incompatibility, but I thought there might be some "trick" or alternate driver that might work....

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  • lavrishevo
    May 4, 04:33 PM
    Totally forgot to delete it before I upgraded my internal. Is there a way to delete the bootcamp partition while preserving the original and reallocating the space back to the OSX partition?

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  • pacmania1982
    Mar 10, 05:57 AM
    Mine is a BlackBerry Curve 8900 on Vodafone UK. I upgraded the firmware to 5


    May 2, 03:22 PM
    Remove the hyphen or put the search term in quotes: "v-moda" or use MRoogle.

    May 3, 05:16 AM
    The irony of a forum with a very large gay and bisexual membership to ask for blood donations is beyond ridiculous.

    Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.

    Wat? Large number of gay and bisexual members? I wasn't aware of this.

    There are other reasons you cannot give blood other than being gay. Being asthmatic and once addicted to illegal drugs are the reasons I cannot give. I'm sure other reasons exists such as other diseases or lifestyle choices.

    Apr 27, 01:21 PM
    So I found these on Intel's site, but I assume these are not the Sandybridge Xeons that everyone is saying will be in the next MacPros? What's the difference?


    Apr 22, 11:15 PM
    Can't iOS applications share the same code base with adjustments made for the differing UI requirements (e.g. iPad vs iPhone resolution).

    Windows Server can run Windows XP apps, you think they're the same OS?

    Android apps use the same codebase and run on version 2.x and 3.0. 3.0 is clearly a different OS from 2.x

    Regardless, the iPad can run iPhone/iPod touch applications anyways so your distinction is silly.

    iphone cant run ipad apps.

    Jan 11, 02:49 PM
    I thought the same thing until I watched the streaming keynote video. MacRumors really ruined my day by misquoting Steve. I was super hyped all morning about hearing a lot about the Mac, but Steve actually said (and I'm partially paraphrasing):

    "2007 is gonna be a great year for the mac, but that's all we're gonna say about it today. over the next several months we're gonna be rolling out some awesome new stuff for the mac... but for today we're gonna move on"

    Had MacRumors taken the time to get that one tiny bit of information right in their live text feed, I wouldn't have been nearly as upset about the whole thing as I was. They built my hopes up very high with that remark and it really ticked me off.

    I, too, kept waiting for him to move on to software or something Mac-related. That error in the text feed made my disappointment even worse.